24 research outputs found

    Maternal antecedents of adiposity and studying the transgenerational role of hyperglycemia and insulin (MAASTHI): a prospective cohort study : Protocol of birth cohort at Bangalore, India.

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    BACKGROUND: India is experiencing an epidemic of obesity-hyperglycaemia, which coincides with child bearing age for women. The epidemic can be sustained and augmented through transgenerational transmission of adiposity and glucose intolerance in women. This presents an opportunity for exploring a clear strategy for the control of this epidemic in India. We conducted a study between November 2013 and May 2015 to inform the design of a large pregnancy cohort study. Based on the findings of this pilot, we developed the protocol for the proposed birth cohort of 5000 women, the recruitment for which will start in April 2016. The protocol of the study documents the processes which aim at advancing the available knowledge, linking several steps in the evolution of obesity led hyperglycemia. METHODS: Maternal Antecedents of Adiposity and Studying the Transgenerational role of Hyperglycemia and Insulin (MAASTHI) is a cohort study in the public health facilities in Bangalore, India. The objective of MAASTHI is to prospectively assess the effects of glucose levels in pregnancy on the risk of adverse infant outcomes, especially in predicting the possible risk markers of later chronic diseases. The primary objective of the proposed study is to investigate the effect of glucose levels in pregnancy on skinfold thickness (adiposity) in infancy as a marker of future obesity and diabetes in offspring. The secondary objective is to assess the association between psychosocial environment of mothers and adverse neonatal outcomes including adiposity. The study aims to recruit 5000 pregnant women and follow them and their offspring for a period of 4 years. The institutional review board at The Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH)-H, Bangalore, Public Health Foundation of India has approved the protocol. All participants are required to provide written informed consent. DISCUSSION: The findings from this study may help to address important questions on screening and management of high blood sugar in pregnancy. It may provide critical information on the specific determinants driving the underweight-obesity-T2DM epidemic in India. The study can inform the policy regarding the potential impact of screening and management protocols in public healthcare facilities. The public health implications include prioritising issues of maternal glycemic control and weight management and better understanding of the lifecourse determinants in the development of T2DM

    Surface engineering alumina armour ceramics with laser shock peening

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    Laser shock peening (LSP) of Al 2 O 3 armour ceramics is reported for the first-time. A 10 J, 8 ns, pulsed Nd:YAG laser with a 532 nm wavelength was employed. The hardness, K Ic , fracture morphology, topography, surface residual stresses and microstructures were investigated. The results showed an increase in the surface hardness by 10% which was confirmed by a reduction in Vickers indentations size by 5%. The respective flaw sizes of the Vickers indentations were also reduced (10.5%) and inherently increased the K Ic (12%). Residual stress state by X-ray diffraction method showed an average stress of − 64 MPa after LSP, whilst the untreated surface stress measured + 219 MPa. Further verification with the fluorescence method revealed surface relaxation with a maximum compressive stress of − 172 MPa induced after LSP within the Al 2 O 3 armour ceramic. These findings are attributed to a microstructural refinement, grain size reduction and an induction of compressive stress that was relaxing the top/near surface layer (post LSP) from the pre-existing tensile stresses. Further process refinement/optimization will provide better control of the surface properties and will act as a strengthening technique to improve the performance of armour ceramics to stop bullets for a longer period of time and protect the end-users

    Automated deep learning segmentation of high-resolution 7 T postmortem MRI for quantitative analysis of structure-pathology correlations in neurodegenerative diseases

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    Postmortem MRI allows brain anatomy to be examined at high resolution and to link pathology measures with morphometric measurements. However, automated segmentation methods for brain mapping in postmortem MRI are not well developed, primarily due to limited availability of labeled datasets, and heterogeneity in scanner hardware and acquisition protocols. In this work, we present a high resolution of 135 postmortem human brain tissue specimens imaged at 0.3 mm3^{3} isotropic using a T2w sequence on a 7T whole-body MRI scanner. We developed a deep learning pipeline to segment the cortical mantle by benchmarking the performance of nine deep neural architectures, followed by post-hoc topological correction. We then segment four subcortical structures (caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, and thalamus), white matter hyperintensities, and the normal appearing white matter. We show generalizing capabilities across whole brain hemispheres in different specimens, and also on unseen images acquired at 0.28 mm^3 and 0.16 mm^3 isotropic T2*w FLASH sequence at 7T. We then compute localized cortical thickness and volumetric measurements across key regions, and link them with semi-quantitative neuropathological ratings. Our code, Jupyter notebooks, and the containerized executables are publicly available at: https://pulkit-khandelwal.github.io/exvivo-brain-upennComment: Preprint submitted to NeuroImage Project website: https://pulkit-khandelwal.github.io/exvivo-brain-upen

    Neuroanatomical and cellular degeneration associated with a social disorder characterized by new ritualistic belief systems in a TDP-C patient vs. a Pick patient

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a spectrum of clinically and pathologically heterogenous neurodegenerative dementias. Clinical and anatomical variants of FTD have been described and associated with underlying frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) pathology, including tauopathies (FTLD-tau) or TDP-43 proteinopathies (FTLD-TDP). FTD patients with predominant degeneration of anterior temporal cortices often develop a language disorder of semantic knowledge loss and/or a social disorder often characterized by compulsive rituals and belief systems corresponding to predominant left or right hemisphere involvement, respectively. The neural substrates of these complex social disorders remain unclear. Here, we present a comparative imaging and postmortem study of two patients, one with FTLD-TDP (subtype C) and one with FTLD-tau (subtype Pick disease), who both developed new rigid belief systems. The FTLD-TDP patient developed a complex set of values centered on positivity and associated with specific physical and behavioral features of pigs, while the FTLD-tau patient developed compulsive, goal-directed behaviors related to general themes of positivity and spirituality. Neuroimaging showed left-predominant temporal atrophy in the FTLD-TDP patient and right-predominant frontotemporal atrophy in the FTLD-tau patient. Consistent with antemortem cortical atrophy, histopathologic examinations revealed severe loss of neurons and myelin predominantly in the anterior temporal lobes of both patients, but the FTLD-tau patient showed more bilateral, dorsolateral involvement featuring greater pathology and loss of projection neurons and deep white matter. These findings highlight that the regions within and connected to anterior temporal lobes may have differential vulnerability to distinct FTLD proteinopathies and serve important roles in human belief systems

    Neuroimaging of the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort

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    The Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort (PNC) is a large-scale, NIMH funded initiative to understand how brain maturation mediates cognitive development and vulnerability to psychiatric illness, and understand how genetics impacts this process. As part of this study, 1445 adolescents ages 8–21 at enrollment underwent multimodal neuroimaging. Here, we highlight the conceptual basis for the effort, the study design, and the measures available in the dataset. We focus on neuroimaging measures obtained, including T1-weighted structural neuroimaging, diffusion tensor imaging, perfusion neuroimaging using arterial spin labeling, functional imaging tasks of working memory and emotion identification, and resting state imaging of functional connectivity. Furthermore, we provide characteristics regarding the final sample acquired. Finally, we describe mechanisms in place for data sharing that will allow the PNC to become a freely available public resource to advance our understanding of normal and pathological brain development

    Heterogeneous impact of motion on fundamental patterns of developmental changes in functional connectivity during youth

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    Several independent studies have demonstrated that small amounts of in-scanner motion systematically bias estimates of resting-state functional connectivity. This confound is of particular importance for studies of neurodevelopment in youth because motion is strongly related to subject age during this period. Critically, the effects of motion on connectivity mimic major findings in neurodevelopmental research, specifically an age-related strengthening of distant connections and weakening of short-range connections. Here, in a sample of 780 subjects ages 8–22, we re-evaluate patterns of change in functional connectivity during adolescent development after rigorously controlling for the confounding influences of motion at both the subject and group level. We find that motion artifact inflates both overall estimates of age-related change as well as specific distance-related changes in connectivity. When motion is more fully accounted for, the prevalence of age-related change as well as the strength of distance-related effects is substantially reduced. However, age-related changes remain highly significant. In contrast, motion artifact tends to obscure age-related changes in connectivity associated with segregation of functional brain modules; improved preprocessing techniques allow greater sensitivity to detect increased within-module connectivity occurring with development. Finally, we show that subject’s age can still be accurately estimated from the multivariate pattern of functional connectivity even while controlling for motion. Taken together, these results indicate that while motion artifact has a marked and heterogeneous impact on estimates of connectivity change during adolescence, functional connectivity remains a valuable phenotype for the study of neurodevelopment